
Looking for information about the Christmas Musical? 
You're in the right place!

SPCS Christmas Concert
Grades 5-8
Thursday, December 13, 2012
7:00 P.M. in the Gym

Report Times as Follows:
  • All Actors & Soloists should report backstage at 5:45
  • All other participants should report directly TO THEIR CLASSROOMS at 6:40

This musical contains an array of comical scenes requiring participants to have various assigned attire. Please see below for information to help you prepare for our show! Thank you!

5th graders in Mrs. Robinson's & Mrs. Forsythe's classes: Church-appropriate dress clothing, no group coordinating necessary.

5th graders in Ms. Kiernicki's class: "Hip Hop street clothing" (oversized shirts, jeans, ball caps, *bling*, sunglasses)

6th graders: Hawaiian/Tropical/Tie-Dyed/Summery shirts, jeans or Capri's acceptable, shoes may coordinate with outfit (flip flops acceptable), sunglasses

7th graders: Church-appropriate dress clothing, no group coordinating necessary.

8th graders: Church-appropriate dress clothing, no group coordinating necessary.

Show Choir: see my letter to parents that was sent home on 11/19/12 or e-mail me ( ) and I will forward the letter to you electronically.

Please note that the above information is simply a guideline. Feel free to use your best judgment if you are unsure about an article or clothing or have any problems with obtaining the items listed above. 

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